Hawaii Helicopter Tours
Links to Helicopter tours:
Kauai Helicopters Maui Helicopters Oahu Helicopters Big Island Helicopters
So when my Aunty got married way back when, there were no Helicopters on Kauai. In fact, I don't think there were any helicopter tours in Hawaii at all. She married a pilot. He was the first helicopter tour pilot in Hawaii.
Now, they're everywhere. But We know who they are and we ride all of the tours, so we can tell you who is happening and who isn't. The folks listed here are all reputable and all veterans and pros. Great at what they do.
Get a helicopter tour through us and you'll be happier than a tick on a hound. Helicopter tours on Kauai, Maui, Oahu, or the Big Island are always the greatest way to see the island. See the Volcano or so many craters on all the islands. Slide along the coastline in a state of the art helicopter with the best pilots on the planet. Sidle up to waterfalls and slip through impossibly steep valleys and along the Napali coast on Kauai or on Maui.
We can set you up with any number of Helicopter companies... On Kauai, Maui, Oahu or the Big Island - Jack Harter Helicopters (Kauai), Blue Hawaiian Helicopters (All Islands), Safari Helicopters (all Islands), Sunshine Helicopters (All Islands), Paradise Helicopters(All Islands), Air Maui (Maui), Alex Helicopters (Maui), and Makani Helicopters (Oahu). All Islands and all the Helicopter tour (Oahu) - All of the Islands and all of the Helicopter Tour Companies.
Helicopter tours are a great way to see places that even many locals haven't witnessed, whether you are a couch potato or a hardy hiker... No accidents in booking here -
Go for it!
Aloha, Michael
Links to Helicopter tours:
Kauai Helicopters
Maui Helicopters
Oahu Helicopters
Big Island Helicopters